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Comandă și livrareReturns & Exchange

Comandă și livrare

Bine ați venit la centrul de asistență pentru comenzi și livrări Mavenoid, unde puteți găsi răspunsuri la întrebări frecvente, precum și întrebări legate de comanda dvs. existentă.

Returns & Exchange

The 30-Day Sonic Satisfaction Guarantee

We believe you'll be thrilled with your Maven Audio headphones, but if for any reason you find yourself dissatisfied within the first 30 days of purchase, we're here to make it right. No need to worry about explanations! Just return your headphones, and we'll promptly refund your entire purchase price. It's a money-back, sound-back guarantee that ensures your complete contentment with your investment.

60 Days to Find Your Perfect Sound

Sometimes, it takes a bit longer to find the audio experience that resonates with you perfectly. That's why we offer an extended 60-day period for exchanges. If you decide to switch to a different Maven Audio model or style, we're here to assist you in making the transition, ensuring your auditory experience aligns precisely with your preferences.

Lifetime Warranty for Lifelong Enjoyment

Your audio journey with Maven Audio is a lifelong commitment. In the unlikely event of any manufacturing defects, rest assured that our lifetime warranty has you covered. Our expert technicians will fine-tune your headphones, guaranteeing a seamless and enduring musical experience.

Maven Audio's devotion to your satisfaction reverberates through our Refunds & Exchanges policy. Embark on an exceptional audio journey with us, where your contentment is our top priority!

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