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Središte za podršku audio opreme

Samoposluživanje vođeno umjetnom inteligencijom osmišljeno za rješavanje svih vaših upita u vezi s našim slušalicama, subwooferima, HiFi i bežičnim zvučnicima, kao i često postavljana pitanja i upite o narudžbi.

How do I turn on/off Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) on my headphones?

To enable ANC on the headphones themselves, simply touch and hold the button on the left earcup. You will hear a beep, indicating that Active noise canceling has been turned on.

To turn it off, touch and hold the button on the left earcup again. You’ll hear a different sound when Active noise canceling is disabled. The LED will blink red once the assistant is disconnected.

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