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Središte za podršku

Narudžba i dostava

Dobrodošli uMavenoid Središte podrške za naručivanje i isporuku gdje možete pronaći odgovore na često postavljana pitanja, kao i upite o vašoj postojećoj narudžbi

Narudžba i dostava

To manage the Order & Delivery process effectively, please follow these steps:

  1. Place your order through the website by selecting the desired product and adding it to your cart.

  2. Proceed to checkout and provide your shipping and payment information.

  3. Review your order details to ensure accuracy before confirming your purchase.

  4. Once the order is confirmed, you will receive an order confirmation email with a summary of your purchase and an estimated delivery date.

  5. Your order will be processed and prepared for shipment. You can track the status of your order through your account on the website.

  6. When your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number to monitor the delivery progress.

  7. Upon delivery, ensure that the product received matches your order and is in good condition.

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